Work Smarter: The Principals Registry for Related Parties

Burned out by endless repetition in your AML customer due diligence and KYC? We created the Principals Registry for Related Parties so that you could work faster and smarter to achieve BSA/AML Compliance.

With the Principals Registry in the RegTechONE platform, you enter a related party one time. One time no matter how many positions that person holds. One time no matter how many different customers that related party must be linked to. One time. One file to maintain per related party. One Principals Registry—to be used over and over and over without repetitive data collections.

Here’s how it works: When you need to add a related party to a customer record, first create an entry for that party in the Principals Registry—fill in all the relevant data on that party and save it. Then when you need to add that related party to a customer’s CDD – KYC digital data collection, simply link that related party to the customer using the existing entry in the Principals Registry.

Seriously. It’s that easy.

And when you need to update the information for that related party, simply update it once in the Principals Registry. Those updates will automatically follow to RegTechONE’s CDD/KYC collection for that customer. Seriously. It’s that easy.

Everyone in the Compliance field for Financial Services knows that identifying and tracking Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) is the toughest part of the CDD/KYC collection process. We can’t identify them for you, but with the Principals Registry in RegTechONE, linking and tracking known UBOs among all your customers will be as easy and as assured as a click of the mouse.

And with RegTechONE’s knowledge-rich Dashboard, you will be able to click a button and view a graphic display of how your related parties and UBOs are connected and interconnected among every customer in the database. Seriously. It’s that easy.

To see for yourself how the RegTechONE platform for AML and KYC can transform the way you manage your related parties, call us today. You’ll be amazed.

RegTechONE Platform delivers CDD KYC solution with Principles’ Registry

With AML Partners’ platform technology for RegTech, updating and upgrading your AML and eGRC software solutions is easier, faster, and much less expensive. Contact us today to explore how platform technology and our end-to-end AML Ecosystem powered by the RegTechONE platform–can transform the efficiency and effectiveness of your unique AML Compliance efforts. RegTechONE software for AML Compliance includes fully integrated modules for CDD KYC software for on-boardingbehavior and transaction monitoring software, and sanctions screening software for comprehensive AML screening. And AML Partners simplifies your end-to-end fully integrated AML Compliance efforts even further with an optional Subpoena Search module for FinCEN 314a and similar subpoena searches. Contact us today to learn about our proof-of-concept option or schedule a demo of RegTechONE, the AML software ecosystem. With extraordinary configurability and built for API extensibility, the RegTechONE AML software platformpowers not only an end-to-end AML software solution but also vendor managementAML client lifecycle managementeKYC Golden RecordsPerpetual KYC, and so much more.

Start achieving more today.

We are so confident in the power of RegTechONE to transform your GRC and AML Compliance solutions that we will prove it to you. Contact us today to experience all the ways that RegTechONE is The Power of Everything.

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