Governance, Risk, and Compliance

ONE platform for an institution’s every GRC need

The RegTechONE platform is the single solution for GRC across an enterprise. From Audit, to Risk, to Compliance, RegTechONE delivers solutions for every need.

Trusted by leading financial institutions around the world

Configure platform to see GRC issues before they pose problems

The RegTechONE platform is a Risk Management powerhouse. RegTechONE users take advantage of a fully integrated Multidimensional Risk Engine, Event and Action Libraries, and automated monitoring for Key Risk Indicators and Key Performance Indicators. Users gain near-real time clarity on Governance, understand and mitigate their risk, and insure compliance across the enterprise locally and globally.

KRIs and KPIs

Set your Key Risk Indicators and Key Performance Indicators and let RegTechONE’s Events and Actions LIbraries automatically monitor for them.

Multidimensional Dynamic Risk

RegTechONE features a powerhouse Risk engine with no-code configuration by end-users.

Network of Applications

RegTechONE enables users to network their banking and GRC apps and access permissioned data across the enterprise in support of GRC.

Ecosystem of Permissioned Data

RegTechONE’s platform architecture enables its Network of Applications to access permissioned data across the enterprise. This ends the problem of siloed data and boosts accuracy and efficiency.

Learn more about the rich array of GRC options on RegTechONE

Learn more about the rich array of GRC options on RegTechONE

Contact us today to learn more about how our platform technology can boost your efforts to manage Risk and achieve effective GRC.

Let’s Talk
This art shows many silver gears (like watch gears). Text on the gears refers to the work of Governance Risk and Compliance in AML and related. The text etched into the gears includes the following words: audit, asset, analysis, report, client, review, and data.

GRC: AML Partners makes Audit needs a priority in RegTechONE platform

Legitimacy Lifecycle: Getting Risk right

RegTechONE: The Power of Everything in AML Compliance solutions and GRC

Insights and Industry Best Practices

Start achieving more today.

We are so confident in the power of RegTechONE to transform your GRC and AML Compliance solutions that we will prove it to you. Contact us today to experience all the ways that RegTechONE is The Power of Everything.